Laser therapy treatment is safe, painless and fast. Treatments to deeper tissues are administered in 5 to 10 minutes. Typically, even chronic patients exhibit improvement after 3 to 5 treatment sessions. Laser therapy utilizes the body’s own healing powers by stimulating cellular activity.
Despite short treatment times, laser therapy treatments initiate a healing process that continues to actively reduce inflammation for up to 24 hours after treatment.
What are some conditions that laser therapy can treat?
- Acute & Chronic Otitis
- Intervertebral Disc Disease
- Anal Glands
- Ginigivitis & Periodontal Disease
- Hip Dysplasia
- Cranial Cruciate Ligament
- Chronic Pain & Inflammation
- Degenerative Joint Disease
- Dermatological Disorders & Hot Spots
- Arthritis and Lick Granulomas